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Last Updated on April 5, 2023 by geeneza tapangan

An efficient roof ventilation system for industrial, commercial and any other workplace is essential. The importance of ventilation is often under-estimated in workplaces, as it plays a critical role in maintaining air quality, regulating temperature and improving comfort and productivity. Commercial buildings and businesses such as warehouses, manufacturers, storage facilities, gyms and indoor pools with high levels of activity require high-quality industrial roof ventilation.

Cheap options such as whirlybirds offer ineffective roof ventilation for industrial circumstances because they are simply not powerful enough.


What are industrial exhaust fans used for?

Heat extraction


Hot Australian summers are often felt most keenly in larger, warehouse-style buildings. Heat build-up impacts the productivity and comfort of workers and puts the stock at risk of damage

Moisture extraction

During cooler seasons it’s often easy to overlook ventilation because indoor spaces aren’t hot and uncomfortable. However, cold and wet conditions are breeding grounds for condensation and mould which can be a threat to the health and safety of workers and stock.

Moisture extraction can be especially important in swimming and spa facilities to help prevent mould and algae growth.

Fume extraction

Roof ventilation systems for industrial businesses can be particularly important because business activities like welding can generate toxic fumes

Improves air quality

Industrial roof ventilation removes the hot, moist and potentially polluted air from indoors and replaces it with the drier, fresher and ambient air from outside. This ensures better inside air quality which helps to maintain workers’ health and safety. Removing contaminants is so important that it could be considered the ‘first line of defence against sickness’.


What makes Solar Whiz the best solution for industrial ventilation?

Solar Whiz industrial exhaust fans are highly effective units that are: installing a unit

Designed and manufactured in Australia – We created the Solar Whiz with the worst of Australian conditions in mind. It is hail and heavy rain resistant, with a cap that’s made out of stainless steel.

Solar-powered – Our units can be operated completed on solar energy, eliminating running costs and helping businesses reduce carbon emissions.

Market-leading performers – Solar Whiz has a maximum capacity of 10,000 CBM/H which is one of the highest capacities available on the market.


We offer two commercial and industrial-grade exhaust fans

  • The SW-RAF7000Our smaller unit with a capacity of 7000 Cubic Metres per Hour (m³/h) or 116,667 Litres of Air per Minute (L/m)
  • The SW-RAF10000 – Our largest unit with a capacity of 10000 Cubic Metres per Hour (m³/h) or 166,680 Litres of Air per Minute (L/m)


If you’re interested in finding out more about our commercial and industrial roof ventilation systems get in contact over the phone, send us an email or fill out a quote form!

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