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Last Updated on March 22, 2023 by geeneza tapangan

Here are our 4 top tips for improving roof ventilation in your home or business. We firmly believe that solar-powered fans are an excellent roof ventilation solution for any building, be it a home or a business.

1. What Does Your House Need?

 Methods for improving your home’s ventilation will depend very much on the house that you have and the climate you live in. Different houses will need different approaches depending on the type of issues they might have. For example, some are designed to only have very small air inlets, meaning there isn’t enough replacement air for ventilation. Other houses are painted in dark colours and trap heat as a result.

In Summer

Most houses will struggle with heat extraction during summer, especially in Australia. Solar Whiz primarily provides solutions to hot houses with our solar-powered fans. During hot summer days, it is common for roof spaces to reach extreme temperatures of around 70° Celsius. Heat easily penetrates downwards into the house without proper ventilation to remove it. As a result, the living areas of your home become uncomfortably hot.

If your house struggles with heat then you need to consider a solar-powered fan like Solar Whiz. Our solar-powered fans are installed to the specific needs of each of our clients (just check out our Facebook). We can tailor your installation to extract heat from your roof space and/or specific heat-affected rooms in the house.

In Winter

While heat is not really an issue during winter, the extra moisture from wetter weather certainly is. Moisture in the house c

an result in condensation and mould, which can be a serious structural and health issue. Proper ventilation through winter is crucial for extracting damp air from your roof space (and sub-floor), and replacing it with fresher, cleaner air from outside.

Solar-powered fans



2. Install Roof Vents

Roof vents (also referred to as eave vents) allow outside air to enter the roof space. This is called replacement air. Roof vents are a fundamental part of ensuring that your ventilation system performs as well as it can. As a Solar Whiz unit extracts hot (and moist/humid) air from the roof space, it also drags replacement air from outside through the roof vents. The air comes from the shaded area under your house’s eaves and is therefore as cool and dry as possible. This is the ideal replacement air to be introduced into your home.

Please note: galvanised eave vents are not suitable for installation in coastal or other highly corrosive environments. In these cases you will need to source replacement air from somewhere else. If you need advice, don’t hesitate to call us!


3. Install Gable Vents

Gable vents are used in cases where a house doesn’t have eaves. They have the same role as roof vents in that they allow replacement air to enter the roof space.

Air will take the path of least resistance. That means that replacement air will be dragged from the nearest inlet source. If your roof vents or gable vents are too close to the Solar Whiz solar powered fan then the ventilation will be less effective. This is an important factor to keep in mind when installing a ventilation system. Our sales team is more than happy to give advice on where to position your solar powered fan.


gable vent for solar powered fan

4. Use Solar-Powered Fans to Improve Airflow

Solar Whiz is an Australian-made solar-powered fan with market-leading performance. Our smallest solar powered fan (the SW-AU-R-15) moves 1200 cubic metres of air per hour (m³/h)and our largest residential solar-powered fan (the SW-AU-R-40) moves 2300m³/h. This amount of airflow delivers the most effective results for ventilation.

In addition to being incredibly powerful extraction fans, our ventilation fans are solar-powered. That means they run free of charge without any emissions! Solar-powered fans are also the most effective when you need them most; on still, hot and sunny days!

Get in contact with us today to find out how solar-powered fans can make serious improvements to the comfort of your home!